Sunday, December 5, 2010

this is the first time and maybe last time...

this is the first time i cried for a girl for whole night ,
this is the first time i sacrifice a lot of thing for girl ,
this is the first time i feel a true love is exists,
this is the first time i feel love is so wonderful and blessedness,
this is the first time i prepare a lot of thing for a girl,
this is the first time i feel heart is missing and hear become broken pieces,
this is the first time i skip class for a girl,
this is the first time i love a girl so deeply,
this is the first time .... too much...

i cant,maybe no more....
i love you really so much that's why at the end i cried so much and i hurt so world suddenly so clouded my head my face feel cramp...its numb..its hurt...its sad...its missing...if its a GAME, why both of us will that unhappy moment u choose rather then happy moment ? remembers the happy moment u told me u laugh until ur mouth is pain...why cant we choose live in sweet moment ? maybe im not doing well enough just a nothing...when the first day we meet is at a night ur sounds is so special and i have been attract by u...ridiculous? we chat so long and our relationship increasing day by day, the first day we saw each other face i told myself this is the girl that i'll choose to company me till my last day i'll do anything to appreciate her...all the time, im trying to make u become the happiest girls but sometimes i failed...hmm maybe ? im just a small character passed by ur heart...can i to request..may i have a place inside ur heart...just a little small place...tears really continuously dropped out...i cant..i cant stop it and i cant control it..because i really love u so much...u know !

sorry that i did not catch u tight...i always said something wrong and spoiled everything...why cant u just be patience...just a little bit more ? pass all difficulty another door is our blessedness...

but u rather choose to give up this then let me holding ur hand pass all the so stupid...i think...we'll till the end...
at the the one who made all of this damaged, spoiled not perfect enough...but i had used all of my love my everything to prove it "I LOVE U" that's what had i done...i wont regret..the end is coming...arrive...but..i have no strength to stand...i feel i lost everything i only left a pain that come from my heart, someone is took my heart...heart had been cut and inside only left pain...whole night i have reread our conversation our message...i so happy that i found u in live...malaysia million of people...fate made us to meet each other...

i'll pretend nothing happen on night maybe my bed will wet..i dont know why u think this is a game...because of the distance ? im trying to solve it...why cant we solve together ? Dont just spend ur time thinking about others people what they feel, u treated urself too bad...what people u too cares about...made u always sad...dont cried too much...its will harm ur eye ur body...sometimes please think of yourself...u r a good girl that i ever meet shouldn't think about it...u are facing ur big days...u have to be strong...Remember ton and dew ? im still waiting receive ur letter...receive the song u wrote for me...can i receive it ?

i cant write it more...i'll cry more worse more worst...i cant be a man so strong and can stand in a failure...last thing...that i want to require...can we be a friend...even we cant become couple...i wish that till my last day we still can contact...we only left handphone can contact each other...please...just be a friend...time..maybe..can cure me...but...lucky i lose all my faith...what i just be a friend with u...i want ur smile...ur my everything...maybe..not the right time now...but..i'll wait for you..1years ? no life have locked with dont forget about me...please...dont forget about me...i love u...really so much...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

am i noob =)

wow! when im moody and deeply down almost at the fucking hell !
i saw a sentence that are really meaningful !
im really care about ur feeling...
why cant you told me what happen...
i know im noob i dont know want how to console ..
but im really cares about you worried about you...
i trying harder to cares about you....
your problems i wish that i can solve it with you...
i wish that you can share with me...
i dont want you always get influence by others...
when you are happy you laugh ,
when you are unhappy you will shut all people down including me....
can i ? may i ?
let me bring you to fairy land ok ?
i dont know whether im the man or not ,
but i hope that i can do it ,
at least let me try ok ?
"be..."so sorry that im NOOB !
Im trying to get closer with you....
forgive me...
i really dont know want how !
i just can said sorry ....
wtf why i so noob shit ?
keep sorry !

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Im confuse....

almost 1 month ....
we chat we skype
How i treat u
how u treat me...
all in my mind...

recently u think alot...
that i cant how to answer...

i made u mad again...
this time...
seems so serius..

i had drunk when i text with u...
sorry that i said something like disrespect you...
its sound like im not CARE about you and is because of my LUST !

NO!that i can confirm is from begin until now ...
i never pretend anything
All is real,sincere truthly come from my heart...

Im very miss you now !
Dont want me le...its very hurt HAHAHA deeply bring me to the Fucking HELL !
im crazy because im really fall for you already...
because of this fucking alcohol make my MIND became SUCK !
REGRET ?! YEA ! im fucking regret now !
USELESS ! Shouldnt happen but its ALREADY happended !

what was im thinking now ?! FUCK OFF all my mind pls !
Now i need alcohol again...
this time i hope i wont get wake up keep in drunk condition please !

About you geh thing ur news im CARE enough !
I never think i want to hurt you...
im NOOB...

what should i tell u...
Dear, im miss are you now..are you OK ? sorry that i hurt not purposely want to hurt you...
sorry for keep text you...because im worry about you...i hope i can get ur forgiveness...SORRY a thousand of appologize...please forgive im noob that always made u sad and mad...

A guys that everything dare to do...
but face to the relationship problem
just can hide at the bed and cry...

Monday, January 25, 2010


第二天早上就回家了...回到家收拾好IA的note然后我就去学校学IA了...到了5.30pm就和vincent&annie 去TBR吃东西...不知道为什么我这几天都在爆吃我买了个面包吃然后吃nasi lemak然后吃福建面“中”的...不懂为什么这几天一直这样...因为第一次就分手??不懂谁知道...吃饱了后,就下去了绵绵细雨...哈....我终于能用我买了一个多月的雨伞了...本来想这个雨伞是能和你一起共用我要一手撑伞一手抱着你的...可是不知道有没有这个机会...回到家在等你的信息...然后很累我就拿着电话希望收到你的信息就直接打给你...可是到我起身已经半夜三点半了...就信息你...

Saturday, January 23, 2010


你所说的一切都一直在我脑海里漂浮着,那一段段句子我想起眼泪就要流了...到了他们的家我就想找东西做了不想让自己想那么多,我怕眼泪流了出来...就算他们在玩得很开心可是我也进入不到只能脸带笑容...听着悲伤的歌❤也会痛...我真的不明白自己为什么会那么的不勇敢...做坏事我却那么的勇敢...半夜四点回到家打下Facebook看下3国就五点了...朋友在客厅睡着了我就在房里想听歌纾解心情可是听完第一首歌心情好点了...听到第二首尽然是“是否”他的歌词旋律都很悲惨....是否这次我已真的离开你,是否泪水已干不再流,是否应验了我曾说的那句话,情到深处人孤独...听到这首歌真的不能再忍了...眼泪狂奔...当我在打着这个部落格的时候是一边打泪也一边在“大”...这个错误不会再重来...一句我爱你是多么容易的说出口,可是真的要做到是真的不容易!我会证明给你看.... :"( 我...还...爱...你... 有一个男孩,爱着那个女孩...

Monday, November 9, 2009

TiS feW DaYS~

很久没有写部落格了~因为都很忙(+懒惰)=D 还有还有就是很不幸!星期三本来是去Interview的可是我却拒绝了Ps~我告诉她我要打球不能去…然后早上毛毛就来载我和Wen Xin去学校打球了~
到了学校放了车便去打球了~打下打下就慢慢开始多人了….然后就开始我们的4打4~第二粒球是我去强球!我一跳起来拿了球当要下地时,我的脚板尽然没有站好站斜了…“KrAk”一声!Oh My GoDDDDdDDdDdDdDd!我直接把球传给我队的然后就倒在地上动不到了….一脱鞋脚边已经肿到变一粒蛋了!然后我休息了下下,就一跛一跛的走去FAU Room了!
进到去看到Ps和Pui Leng!Ps 知道我因为打球而扭到脚她就笑我,因为她知道我后悔拒绝她去Interview而去打球,搞到自己扭到脚!然后Pui Leng就帮我擦药然后按摩!过了下她帮我冰敷,她一边帮我冰敷一边和我聊她小时候有趣的事情!原来她小时候也是很调皮的也扭伤过很多次,还有在中学时还帮过很多人![人正好,就算自己累了她也不会埋怨而且还继续的帮忙别人]她足足帮我按摩了三个小时!真的很谢谢你Pui Leng!还有就是 Pek chek 的Yvonne ! 她也很关心我要找人带我去看医生因为我很怕被医生推拿!所以我就一直得拒绝了!^^
然后便回家冲凉就来学校上课了,上到六点朋友便载我回家了!今天说好剪头发所以Ah Ping 已经在我condo门口等我然后一起去剪了!因为有人在染头发所以我们便去吃东西后才回去剪!剪好了已经7.xx了!他就回他的家了而我就一跛一跛的跛回家了!
接着我就回家鲁~然后想到明天不能去学校了不能Meeting了!然后已经是一点多了!我看到Kat Zat Nee online msn我就问了她一些资料便写了下来然后明天叫ET帮我拿我的assitant!


到了星期五便脱了纱布去学校了!上完课便回家了,不想要去看医生!我就叫水镜帮我拿Rm5给那个中医!然后到家了就吃面包…因为要戒口!然后六点多wen xin,duck,miaokim,annie,yee sheng来看我!我们聊了下就去吃东西了!然后就去打dota!哈哈! Yee Sheng太厉害了弄到我们笑到反肚!哈哈!然后他们就讨论隔天要去哪里玩讨论了很久他们决定去Sunway溜冰!然后便回家了!

到了星期六,卖虾信息我问我要不要去pasar seni和chow kit!可是我的脚还很难走,怕你们会很不耐烦因为如果我去我走很慢!怕因为要等我还你们看不到精彩的东西!所以我拒绝了[其实我很想去]….对不起卖虾!我真的觉得很对不起你!>.
